Ultrex Troubleshooting (does not include Ultrex Quest) (2016-present)

If your Ultrex is having an issue, we recommend taking the motor into an Authorized Service Center. If you want to try troubleshooting the Ultrex yourself, the most common issues are listed below. You can click on the button at the bottom of this page for help troubleshooting the most common issues that can occur with the Ultrex.

Most Common Ultrex Issues

Ultrex does not turn off

  1. The power light not turning off is an indication of an issue with the power switch. Carefully remove the power switch from the foot pedal and inspect the 2 white wires. Verify they are both securely connected to the switch.
  2. If the wires are securely connected to the switch, remove the white wires from the power switch and connect them directly to each other. If this causes the light to turn off that indicates a possible faulty switch. If the switch needs to be replaced, it is part number 2044022. You can purchase it on our parts portal.
  3. If the light remains on after touching the wires together, click here to find your nearest Authorized Service Provider to further diagnose your motor.

Ultrex does not turn on

  • Check to ensure proper voltage. Inspect all battery connections, trolling motor plug (if installed), and any butt splice connections in battery leadwire for corrosion and security.
  • If this doesn't correct the issue, click here to find your nearest Authorized Service Provider to further diagnose your motor.

Ultrex does not steer with the foot pedal

  • Symptoms can include: the foot pedal being firm, the toe or the heel being all the way down and not being able to go the other way, the motor steering all the way heel down or toe down when the power is turned on.
  • This video describes the symptoms of a bad foot pedal sensor board and shows the steps on how to replace the sensor board. If you are not comfortable replacing the steering sensor board or are not sure the issue is the steering sensor board, we recommend taking the motor to your nearest Authorized Service Provider to have the motor diagnosed and repaired.

  • If the video above does not resolve your steering issue and your Ultrex will not steer with the foot pedal, you may have an issue with the control board, steering sensor board, or the steering module. We recommend taking the motor to your nearest Authorized Service Provider to have the motor diagnosed and repaired.

The Prop does not turn on with the Momentary Button

If the prop does not turn on when you step on the momentary button, the Reed Sensor may be too low. Follow the steps below to resolve the issue.

  1. Remove the Momentary Button by pushing in the Momentary Button Tab on the underside of the foot pedal.
  2. Gently push the reed switch up from the underside of the foot pedal. The top of the reed switch should sit 1/32" below the top of the clip it sits in.
  3. Replace the Momentary Button by setting it in place and pressing down so the tab clips into the foot pedal.
  4. If this doesn't correct the issue, click here to find your nearest Authorized Service Provider to further diagnose your motor.

The Prop does not turn off

If the prop does not turn off, the Reed Sensor may be too high. Follow the steps below to resolve the issue.

  1. Remove the Momentary Button by pushing in the Momentary Button Tab on the underside of the foot pedal.
  2. Gently push the reed switch down. The top of the reed switch should sit 1/32" below the top of the clip it sits in.
  3. Replace the Momentary Button by setting it in place and pressing down so the tab clips into the foot pedal.
  4. If this doesn't correct the issue, click here to find your nearest Authorized Service Provider to further diagnose your motor.

Troubleshooting the Ultrex

We have created a guide to help you troubleshoot a few possible scenarios with your Ultrex motor. Click the button below for the Ultrex Troubleshooting Guide. If this does not correct your issue then please contact your local Authorized Service Provider for evaluation.

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